Tuesday, June 7, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ

ICLSPJ International Understanding Day

Hi everyone :D On behalf of the club, i would like to thanks everyone to contributed, participated and attended our IU Day and making it a success.

Sunday, May 8, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ


Interactors of SMK La Salle PJ! The forms are out! Yes, the ICC Supercamp 2011 are finally out! Spots are limited and to those of you who are interested to attend this camp, print the forms out yourselves and see Interactor Mishand or Interactor Darren to ensure that you have a spot. The deadline to hand in the forms and money is THIS FRIDAY! I repeat, the 13th of May, 2011. It's only open to Form 4's and Form 5's.

Here's the link to the forms!

Thank you!
Viva la Interact.
Sunday, May 1, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ


Listen up everyone! Wild Child, the winners of ICC Concert will not be performing for the IU Day because of lack of members. We will try to make changes as soon as possible. Thank you.
Saturday, April 30, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ

Audition results.

Is this the moment you all have been waiting for? It's finally out, the results of the audition we had a few days ago.

Let's start with the dancing category. No one auditioned because we practically knew who we were going to choose. Well, here are the performers!

First up, runners up of ICC Concert 2011, Deviation! And then, there's the winner of ICC Concert 2011, Wild Child! That's right peeps. Last but not least, representing more than half of SMK La Salle PJ, we have Bhangra Kings, it's going to be an event to remember, so come on down.

We're off to the singing category. There were about 6-7 auditions just for singing, and all of them were amazing. Sadly, we have to pick only one. Boo! I know. Anyways, drum roll please! *sound effect in the background* It's Kaii Zawawi! She sang Animal by Neon Trees and she truly amazed all of us. Congratulations.

We have a special group performance by Chaotic Crew, this group are from SMK Seri Bintang Selatan and they made it into the top 10 in Digi Live Sekolahku Berbakat under Kuala Lumpur. They are an amazing group, which consist of 3 boys and 1 girl. You don't want to miss their performance, trust me.

Anyways, that's it. Those who did not get the part, you guys were truly amazing and that's coming from the bottom of my heart. Hope to see EVERYONE of you there.

Viva La Interact.
Thursday, April 21, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ

It's finally here.

I bet you guys have been waiting for the official poster of this year's International Understanding Day. Well, here it is! Hope it's worth the wait.

International Understanding Day auditions!

Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you do anything to amaze hundreds of people? Well, show it all off then! Come on down to SMK La Salle PJ!

Details for auditions as stated below:
Date: 28th April 2011
Time: 2.30pm until 5.00pm.
Venue: SMK La Salle PJ.

Anyone can audition, so don't be shy and just be yourself! 
We're looking forward to see all of
YOU there.
Viva la Interact.

Call Prashant Kharbanda (012-2088149) for more details.

International Understanding Day of ICLSPJ!

We're back! 

Yes, the International Understanding of ICLSPJ is here, once again and this time, it will be bigger and better. What is the theme of this year's IU Day? The theme is Land of the Rising Sun, which is better known as Japan

Why Japan? We all know that Japan has been suffering a lot lately mainly because of the earthquakes and tsunamis that has been affecting them. We would love to lend a hand to help them, that's what Interact is all about, right? We would be donating some of our profits to the people in Japan via American Red Cross. And also, the audience will also learn a thing or two about the Japanese culture.

Date: 4th June 2011
Time: 1pm - 4pm (Registration begins at 12.30pm)
Venue: Summit Auditorium, Subang. 
Price of ticket: RM15

For more details, the Facebook event page is one click away! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=167523096638343

Saturday, January 15, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ

Valentines Project

Hey Interactors :D
Our club will be carrying out a Valentines Day project. We will be preparing a little bag filled with heart shaped chocolates, sweets and stars. You will also be able to add a little note in this bag. We will be charging RM5 for everything including the transport. All we need is your name, the money and ofcourse the name of the person you want to send this to. You can send this to anyone in the ICC Schools(Assunta, Sri Aman, Samad, CHS) and remember you can even send this to your friend. All you have to do is pass your info and cash to anyone one of the Board of Directors, ASAP. For more info on this project, please contact our Fin. Director, Wong Weng Keong. Thanks :) 

Designing Club T-shirt Competition

Hey Guys!
The Interact Club of LSPJ will be having a competition on designing a Club T-shirt. Anyone can participate in this competition and all you have to do is design a club t-shirt and pass the design to one of the Board of Directors. One design will be chosen and the winner will be give RM50 in cash. We will be accepting designs until the 21st of January(Fri). The winner will be announced during our Membership Drive(24/1). Please bare in mind that there will be a few criterias for the design. It must have the Interact Club logo, 'Service Above Self' and 'ICLSPJ' on it. This competition is open to all students and not only Interactors. Thank you :)

Membership Drive 2011

Hi Interactors!
Its the new year and we are welcoming new members. Through out this week, we will be promoting out club to recruit more members. From the 17th to 21st of January, we will be having our Membership Drive week. It is the duty of every Interactor to promote our club and more members. Those who are interested and want to know more about our club, you are most welcome to attend our Official Membership Drive on the 24th of January(Mon) after school in the Dewan Kuliah.