Sunday, May 8, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ


Interactors of SMK La Salle PJ! The forms are out! Yes, the ICC Supercamp 2011 are finally out! Spots are limited and to those of you who are interested to attend this camp, print the forms out yourselves and see Interactor Mishand or Interactor Darren to ensure that you have a spot. The deadline to hand in the forms and money is THIS FRIDAY! I repeat, the 13th of May, 2011. It's only open to Form 4's and Form 5's.

Here's the link to the forms! 

Thank you!
Viva la Interact.
Sunday, May 1, 2011 | By: InteractClubLSPJ


Listen up everyone! Wild Child, the winners of ICC Concert will not be performing for the IU Day because of lack of members. We will try to make changes as soon as possible. Thank you.